
Violin Plot

The Violinplot class initializes an object that builds a GUI for an analysis worksheet provided through its URL. The GUI displays a violin plot, distribution plot and line plot of available signals.

Through the interface, the user has the ability to select multiple signals to visualize and either generate the violin plots in separate figures or plot on the same figure by clicking on the option to normalize the data. Violin plots include certain calculations such as the mean, standard deviation, kernel density estimation and other. The user will also be able to zoom in and out, hide signals, download the figures and more.

Interactive Pairplot

The Pairplot_interactive class initializes an object that builds a GUI for an analysis worksheet provided through its URL. The GUI displays a pairplot of available signals and allows users to select signals, generate plots and colour by the desired string column.

Through the interface, the user has the ability to select multiple signals to visualize. The user will also be able to zoom in and out, hide signals, download the figures and more.

Static Pairplot

The Pairplot class initializes an object that builds a GUI for an analysis worksheet provided through its URL. The GUI displays a static pairplot and line plot of available signals and allows users to select signals, generate plots and colour by the desired string column. Through the interface, the user has the ability to select multiple signals to visualize.